4 – 8am

Since 2008

Texts, 3D and moving images, created mostly between 4 and 8 a.m. — a time on the fringes of society, a realm for early risers and night owls, free and conducive to philosophical digression.

Textes, images 3D et en mouvement, réalisés pour la plupart entre 4 et 8 heures du matin : un créneau en marge de la société, royaume des lève-tôt et des oiseaux de nuit, libre et propice à la digression philosophique.

The Heterotopia of Walt Disney World

The Heterotopia of Walt Disney World

Paper published in Philosophy Now magazine.
Design for Dreaming

Design for Dreaming

Organized in collaboration with the small world project in Hong Kong.
Dreams of Progress Video Art Exhibition

Dreams of Progress Video Art Exhibition

What does progress mean nowadays?
Visions for the Future

Visions for the Future

New Horizons, Century21 Calling, Future of Cities
Microsoft Productivity

Microsoft Productivity

Productivity Future Vision 2019.
Artistic Views at the Past

Artistic Views at the Past

Some Things Won't Change, Fictional Recall, Flying
Discovery of Magnetic North

Discovery of Magnetic North

Video material from various Television series, Movies, and Educational Films of the 60s-80s.
Artistic Reactions to Progress

Artistic Reactions to Progress

Mardi Gras, McCOOL, Tokyo.Future
Notions of Utopia and Progress

Notions of Utopia and Progress

Part of the Dreams of Progress video art exhibition.
Children’s Art Day: Storyboarding Workshop

Children’s Art Day: Storyboarding Workshop

Workshop to create storyboards from pre-existing video material.
Breath – At the Bus Stop

Breath – At the Bus Stop

That morning, he didn't take the commuter bus.
On the Couch

On the Couch

One minute scene taking place on a couch.
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