4 – 8am

Since 2008

Texts, 3D and moving images, created mostly between 4 and 8 a.m. — a time on the fringes of society, a realm for early risers and night owls, free and conducive to philosophical digression.

Textes, images 3D et en mouvement, réalisés pour la plupart entre 4 et 8 heures du matin : un créneau en marge de la société, royaume des lève-tôt et des oiseaux de nuit, libre et propice à la digression philosophique.

Theme 2: Magic Circle in video games

Theme 2: Magic Circle in video games

Where does the video game end and real life begin?
Theme 3: Chronology in video games

Theme 3: Chronology in video games

How old is Super Mario and how long is a life in video games?
Theme 4: Narratology vs. Ludology in video games

Theme 4: Narratology vs. Ludology in video games

What is the essence of a game?
Theme 5: Immersion in video games

Theme 5: Immersion in video games

Text by Mathias Jansson.
Theme 6: Intelligibility in video games

Theme 6: Intelligibility in video games

How can we make sense of a video game?
Theme 7:  Rules in video games

Theme 7: Rules in video games

Text by Mathias Jansson.
What is a game world? Doors, keys and… good legs

What is a game world? Doors, keys and… good legs

Text by Dario Compagno.
Question Blocks: How to make two worlds collide?

Question Blocks: How to make two worlds collide?

Text by Gabriele Ferri.

Philosophy of Video Games

Is the game really ending when we go back to our everyday activities?
Appropriation of Space

Appropriation of Space

Space, place and non-place.

Welcome to My Place: Workshop Manuals

Step-by-step manuals to better understand the identity of a place.
Welcome to Finsbury Park

Welcome to Finsbury Park

Co-creation of subjective maps.
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