Virtual worlds, videos, and immersive installations — heterotopias in the sense defined by Michel Foucault: phantasmagoric universes that glitch into reality.
Mondes virtuels, vidéos et installations immersives. Ce sont des hétérotopies, au sens où Michel Foucault les a définies : des univers fantasmés qui investissent le réel tels des glitches.
Let Greek gods guide you through exotic interiors, make random and anonymous encounters - virtual installation, dioramas, prints and videos.
Future Home
To imagine the future is to try to make up for the time lost - virtual contemplation space.
Let your mind err in a black hole populated with glitchy artefacts - virtual experience, video and prints.
Plastic and Virtual Packaging
Mountains of plastic packages interrogate our (dis-)connection with reality - immersion, gifs and videos.
Collective Obsessive-compulsive Order
Straight lines, highways and pixels - art installation, prints and moving images.