Can lean software development techniques (such as Scrum, Test-driven development, and UX-driven design) both increase government effectiveness and improve citizen engagement?
London (UK) and Toronto
Dazza Greenwood, Lecturer & research scientist at the
MIT Media Lab, @DazzaGreenwood
Joshua Stark, Head of operations and legal at Ledger Labs, @jjmstark
Marina Korneeva, UX evangelists,
Daveta co-founder, @MarinaTO9
Keith McDonald, Public engagement consultant, @SherylsCrush
Christien Levien
, Founder of the
Legal Swipe app, @ChristienLevien
James Moore, Co-founder of
F-LEX, @reducingwip
Mark Lizar, Founder and CEO of Smart Species, @smartopian
Moderators: Cyprian Bruck &
Christophe Bruchansky
See the slides
In collaboration with:
Legal Hackers Toronto