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Cats & Emojis

Videos and collages created on mobile phone using Nintendo Miitomo application.


Presented at the Open Show – Toronto.

“Cats at the Public Swimming Pool” (9 seconds) – Funky Bells track by @boris.transmit (August 2017, Toronto)

The Nintendo app that once allowed me to craft these Miitomo cats is no longer available.

For nearly two years, I transformed these digital felines into avatars of myself, repurposing the game app to depict myself in shopping malls, supermarkets and art installations.

Cats, a staple of the internet and cute icons of Japanese manga culture, are far more popular than any historic artefacts.

These swift-moving cats inhabit a playful, gamified realm.

Cats and ads by night (September 2017, Toronto)

“Cats dancing at the supermarket” (10 seconds). Energy track by Disk (August 2017, Toronto)

“The long, tedious task of waiting” @amanda_gresik room at @gladstonehotel, January 2017, Toronto
“The long, tedious task of waiting” @amanda_gresik room at @gladstonehotel, January 2017, Toronto

Relaxing art Art Basel Miami Beach, June 2018, Miami

Cats partying late, September 2016, Burning Man, Black Rock Desert

Flying in Bogotá, June 2018

Démarche Constructive (Pas-Perdsus)
Printed triptych, Paris, May 2019

Emoji Hallucinations

Emoji collage created on mobile phone

2015-2016, various locations

Emotional overload, January 2016, London
November 2015, Berlin