Here are step-by-step manuals documenting the workshops that have been organized as part of the Welcome to My Place project. They are free and under a Creative Commons License.
These manuals can be used as:
- Tools to better understand the identity of either a place or an area (e.g. in the context of an ethnographic study).
- Introductions to a collective urban planning effort (e.g. design charrette) or in combination with a community mapping exercise (see for example
Welcome to My Place – video workshop manual: this manual is based on the workshops organised in February 2010 for the Transition Finsbury Park association. Participants are invited to choose places that are important to them, optionally within a defined perimeter, and to welcome viewers through videos. Read here a review of how it went for us.
Welcome to My Place – subjective maps workshop manual: this manual is based on the workshop organized in March 2010 for the Transition Finsbury Park association. Participants are invited to draw subjective maps of their neighbourhood and to discuss the area. Read here a review of how it went for us.