4 – 8am

Since 2008

Texts, 3D and moving images, created mostly between 4 and 8 a.m. — a time on the fringes of society, a realm for early risers and night owls, free and conducive to philosophical digression.

Textes, images 3D et en mouvement, réalisés pour la plupart entre 4 et 8 heures du matin : un créneau en marge de la société, royaume des lève-tôt et des oiseaux de nuit, libre et propice à la digression philosophique.

Value Pluralism & Plurality of Choice

Value Pluralism & Plurality of Choice

Featured in Issue 163 of Philosophy Now.


In the universe, fences mark the ever-evolving boundaries between good and evil.
Little House on the Prairie

Little House on the Prairie

In the universe, people grapple with their primal instincts.
The Show Must Go On

The Show Must Go On

In the universe, the human psyche grapples with selective hearing.
Space Odyssey

Space Odyssey

In the universe, the chaos of the world below appears insignificant.
Becoming Machine

Becoming Machine

Exhibition and art talk curated by Isil Ezgi Celik.
AI Phantasmagoria

AI Phantasmagoria

Godzilla vs. Generative AI. Breaking news: Giant pink monsters invade downtown!


It's amidst thunderstorms that we feel truly alive.


What would be the mechanical production of bubbles without this brand’s exotic sound?


If my body were a temple, what might such a worship place look like?
Melting Pot

Melting Pot

All united in our hedonistic quest, all naked, from all origins and ages.


Steam baths of gay saunas are the realm of bodies with blurred shapes.
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